Thursday, December 18, 2008

Musing Toothpaste

Many moons ago, while watching a video on how to heal yourself of a malady, I had an epiphany. Hmmm... too many $10 words, but they sound good together so I'm leaving them. Perhaps Jessica can use them in her next poem. They don't really rhyme, but they sound like they do. It must be the cadence or something. I've never been very good with poetry. Oh no! I'm randomly digressing! I thought Lizzie and Sarah got that from there mother! ....or it could just be the coffee.

Anyway, my epiphany was that God wants us to take responsibility for our own health rather than farm it out to caregivers, or is it caretakers. Whoa...ephiphanical progression. Caregiver to caretaker to undertaker! ....anyway, since then I've liked to shine the light of scripture on things commonly accepted by the masses to see how it stands up. For instance, there's scripture about taking care of your health all over the place in the bible. Not much about paying other people to do it for you.

I've been struggling with toothbrushing and the light of scripture for a few years now. There's not much on toothbrushing. So why would our wonderful God who created these wonderful bodies that need little maintenance, require us to have some kind of invention to clean our teeth? Not only some contrivance, but a difficult-to-get-on-your-own poisonous chemical such as flouride. Yeah, I know it's true that we use soap for our body and hairburshes for our hair and razors for our beards and all, but those REALLY aren't necessary to keep our health. Stop brushing teeth and you'll be losing them; painfully, I might add, and disgusting others in the process.

One of my daughters found some information about how if you go long enough without washing your hair, it will magically stop looking greasy and look and maybe even be clean again. She gave it a shot. Can't remember what the result was, but she's been back to washing her hair for a few years now. It's almost back to clean. :D But she was never in danger of losing her hair because of it.

We've been able to ditch having a family doctor, but not a family dentist. We go every 6 months as a family to one that uses "safe" dental procedures FOR ADDITIONAL CLEANING!!! But why do we have to!? Someone invariably ends up with cavities, so it appears very necessary. Maybe it's our western diet?

Well...blogging about it didn't answer the big question. Oh well.

You probably guessed that Natalie's post instigated this musing, so I'll close with my new toothpaste of choice. The one that lines most perfectly up with scripture (as far as I can tell). I must point out that I'm not currently using this toothpaste, but will soon begin for this post has inspired me to switch. In line with my shaving practice of a mug, a brush, and a bar of shaving soap, my new toothpaste of choice is...drum role please.... Baking Soda and Salt. Why salt you ask? For flavoring of course! Oooo a little cayenne might be nice.


Jessica said...

No, Mr. should write the poem! The phrase is yours, not mine. :)

I have lately been fascinated by natural healing and medicine. I mean, in the early days of the Bible where there is no mention of doctors or medicine, people lived for hundreds of years. Perhaps it was some "freshness" of mankind or something....but you have to wonder why these days making it to 100 is good...

Jonathan David Page said...

@Jessica: What about diabetes? What about surgery? What about asthma? What about broken bones? What about stroke? What about artificial hearts? What about bone marrow transplants? What about vaccinations? What about rabies?

N said...

Wow...amazing what all can be said about toothpaste. :D

That's an interesting point though, that teeth are one thing that has to be taken care of to survive. Hmm...

As far as going to doctors or not, I think it's great the technology they've come up with that can save lives. Having been born 7 weeks early, if there hadn't been various machines and such, I might not be here. :D

But I do think people overuse the medical resources we have. What with getting various tests every year, and all that stuff. We almost never go to the doctor, unless we have to for some reason, like getting shots.

So yeah, the way I look at it, we should make use of the new technologies if we need them, but otherwise we're probably better off treating ourselves.

Sorry if that rambled a bit. :P

Christopher said...
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Christopher said...

I don't think you rambled a bit, Natalie. And I agree with a lot of what you've said. You, Jessica, and Jos have inspired another post.