Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tagged Out

Jessica tagged me.

How timely. This is the meet the Seahawk's had last Christmas with the Forsythe County Homeschool Hawks, I think. We've got our first meet of the season coming up next week.

BTW, I think that's Jessica coming off of the first block from the right. We used her off of this picture for a graphic on the cover of a Seahawk's DVD last year.

The rules: Go to your picture file, go to your fifth picture, post it, and then tag five people. As far as for me tagging people, I'm terminus. I know to few and the few I know have been tagged.


Jessica said...

You USED my picture without my permission for a DVD cover for a film I have never even seen??? :/ I'm actually not too fond of that particular can tell that my reaction to the beep was slow, as the Forsythe girl to my right was already probably a foot ahead. :) Other than that, I feel honored that I happened to be in the picture!

Lizzie said...

No, Jessica dear, you can tell that the Forsythe girl is going straight down, whereas you are properly projecting yourself to the flags. :D It only gives the illusion that she was off the blocks faster.