Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What A Waste

NASA says their last life-o-bot has recently discovered it snowing on mars! It doesn't surprise me much that it snows on other planets. But it apparently really excites those hoping to find life on another planet. You know, I believe there's only one real reason for being consumed with looking for life somewhere else; to prove there is no God. They just can't stand the thought that this planet may be the only one in the whole universe that has life on it. Cause if they did even consider that possibility, they'd almost have to admit there is a God.

I doubt they'll ever find life out there. Especially if their conjecture is true; that it was some kind of random serendipity that caused it. A lecture by Dr. Jay Wile convinced me that it could not have possibly been a random occurrence. It was compelling and logical. Maybe a subject of a future post.

Scripture says that looking at nature testifies to His existence (Romans 1:19,20) and that all men are without excuse. But they look for an excuse anyway. The thought of the Earth being the "center" is unthinkable to the unbeliever. It's funny in a way to see these guys dedicating their lives to prove nature a liar, but sad also. A waste of time; a waste of money; a waste of life.